
Check out the Pros and Cons of Living in Alaska

Alaska is a beautiful place to spend your holidays. But if you plan to live here, there are many things you have to consider. Every place has some good and the bad things about it. Same is the case with Alaska. Every person has a different choice and a different way of living. Here I give you a list of the general pros and cons of living in Alaska. ProsCons Let’s start with the positives and list down some good things about living in Alaska: 1.     The Nature The very first thing that strikes about Alaska is its natural beauty. Since the place is sparsely populated, the natural beauty is untouched. You can live anywhere in Alaska and be closer to nature. There are so many different types of landscapes and a lot of wildlife. So if you love to be closer to nature and want to spend your time in a place that is calm and away from the city’s hustle and bustle, Alaska is the...

Efforts and Focus of Public Seismic Network

Public Seismic Network is a network that is dedicated to the promotion of earthquake awareness and its information. The Public Seismic Network is now spread all over the world and connects the amateur seismologists or a person interested in earthquakes to sources of information. They make huge efforts to make the public aware of the ways in which they can prevent the harm caused due to any natural calamity like an earthquake. Some of the efforts and focuses of the Public Seismic Network are: Collect Information The Public Seismic Network recruits people from all over the world to collect information about the earthquakes and the type of area they can occur in. The information is obtained by using technological instruments that are placed in the places with seismic activities. They make a huge database of information like when was the last earthquake that occurred, where did it occur,...

Public Seismic Network and Generation of Public Awareness for Earthquake

Earthquakes are one of the biggest threat to the human kind. The worst part about these is that they cannot be stopped or controlled and strike at the most unlikely times. It brings with it major losses to the lives of the people and their properties. There are studies that are being conducted to find the solid cause of earthquakes and prevent them from happening. But until then, all that is possible is prevention. Public Seismic Network Public Seismic Network is a network that connects the normal man to the seismologists and help them get the information regarding earthquakes. This network was first set up in California in 1990 by a group of enthusiasts. Now, this has become a worldwide phenomenon. They have around one hundred and eleven stations in different parts of the world and even the governments of earthquake-prone countries are using their techniques in setting up their own...

Effects of Earthquakes on the Alaskan Landscape

Earthquakes are a fairly common in Alaska. There are on an average 10,000 small and big earthquakes that take place in every year here. This consists of one earthquake of high magnitude i.e. 7-8 and forty-five of a little lesser magnitude i.e. 6-7 and the rest are of even lower magnitudes. Alaska is on the tectonic plates that are constantly moving towards and away from each other and this is the reason of the high number of earthquakes in this region. The spots on the South Central Alaska, Anchorage, Fairbank and on the sides of Aleutian Chain are situated on these Pacific and North American plates that are most susceptible to earthquakes. The people in Alaska are habitual of this situation and the government has taken proper measures in preventing any big damages. People already have emergency kits all throughout the year and the government puts special emphasis on disaster...

Tectonic Movements in Alaska

Plate Tectonics is a theory that describes the movement of the seven largest plates of the Earth. The concept came into existence during the 1960s. The earth’s lithosphere is made up of different levels that differ from each other in physical and chemical properties. Apart from these, there are the continental and oceanic crusts. These make various landforms and are susceptible to various types of tectonic movements. It was over the past hundred thousands of years, the tectonic plates have been moving leading to continental drift. So, the lithosphere comprises of seven to eight major and several minor plates. The meeting place of these plates decides the type of their boundaries. These can be of the following types: Convergent, Transformed or Divergent. These boundaries are the places where activities like Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Ocean trench formation and Mountain building...